Tuesday, 20 August 2013


I know I haven't been blogging that long but I am going to be taking a break until after Labour Day (September 2nd). I have had some chooses recently that I severely regret and wish I could change... However, in one case I lost my chances completely and I will always regret what happened... So I am taking the remaining portion of my summer to focus on myself and try and undo my mistakes of the last few weeks.

Thanks for reading!
Laura <3

Monday, 12 August 2013

My 2013-2014 School Year Goals!

As promised last week, I’m going to be writing about my goals for this up coming school year! I hope that these help you with your own list and inspire you to push yourself this year!

Image From: http://www.t0.gstatic.com

So, each year I start off by thinking about what I want to achieve in the subtopics: personal, academic and physical.

Here are my goals for the year!


-write (Blog, Twitter, poetry, etc.)
-stay organized
-stay determined to achieve
-remember what you’re working for! GAP YEAR!


-maintain an “A” average
-study 3 hours for tests and 1 hour for quizzes (at least)
-make exam notes throughout the year
-work on editing and proofing my written work


-workout 4 times a week
-cardio and strength work outs
-push myself!

Peace, Love & Tea,

P.S. New posts will be available every Monday!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Ways to Get Excited for Back to School!

So I, like most other high school goers, am not too thrilled to be headed back to school in a month. Back to hitting the books, with teachers yelling and all the drama – why does summer ever have to end?! Especially if you wear a uniform to school – no fun back to school shopping!

For the last few years I’ve found it extremely hard to get excited about going back to school – but last year and this year again, I’ve found the key!

So here are 4 ways to get excited for back to school!

1. Buy Yourself a Present!

            I figured out this trick last year! When you buy something for back to school that you like (for me its fancy pens and pencils) tell yourself you aren’t allowed to use them until the first day of class. This gives you something to look forward to and allows yourself to overlook some of the bad that’ll be coming…

2. Plan Lunches!

            Now, if you’re a mini foodie like myself plan lunches and snacks that are funny and healthy for the first semester or term back! Although this is something for only a part of your day its nice to have something small to look forward to during a long day of learning.

3. New Apps!

            If you have an iPad or iPhone I know there are tons of apps out there that are designed for school! These apps can really get you looking forward to adding information so you can start formulating your calendar and schedule! You’ll want assignments and tests! (Inside note my favorite is Corkulous!)

4. Set Goals!

            Although this is something your school probably has you do anyways (mine has since grade 6) I think personal, academic and physical goals are essential to having a successful year at school! Make sure to check back next week for all my goals for the year!

Now I’m not saying I hate learning (because I don’t) so whenever you go back I hope you all have a happy and successful year of classes!

Peace, Love & Tea,

P.S. New posts will be available every Monday!

Monday, 29 July 2013

Why I Love Writing!

Therapy, poems and pens!

I don’t know about you guys but whenever I’m confused or frustrated with something that’s happened in my life or something that someone has said, I always reach for a pen! I think the most valuable thing in the world is true emotions (which are hard to come by these days). When I have a pure emotion – such as: frustration or confusion or joy – I believe the most powerful way to render that is to put it into words and on paper!

When I write, it’s almost as though I’m drawing a map for myself. I start with what I know and then I draw conclusion and then continue from there. Writing is therapy to me! Recently, I’ve had some very ‘interesting’ experiences that I would have found much more difficult to cope with if I hadn’t found writing to be my savour! Honestly, writing is one of the only reasons I’m happy today! Although that sounds extremely radical, it’s so true! Using writing to discover what I’m really feeling is how I make decisions – and I’m very happy with my life right now! When you don’t sensor what you write you’ll discover thoughts and feelings that you didn’t know were there and a solution to your issue will be much easier to find!

A friend of mine came to me a while back looking for advice, but her issue was way over my head and I had no idea what to do. So, for over an hour I sat with her and told her what I did when I was stuck in a situation I had no solution to. As she wrote I occasionally told her where to go next and how to think about things so she could keep writing and by the end of the hour, not only, did she feel a lot better she knew how to solve her problem. The writing wasn’t fancy or in any form but what she gained from that writing was more powerfully then any piece of literature could have given her. By letting out all those emotions on to a single piece of paper, truly amazing things can come from it! And if you don’t find a solution at least you can make a poem! ;)

I hope the next time your stuck between a rock and a hard place you’ll reach for a pen! If you want any tips or advice on how I write or where to get started send me an email! I'd love to talk to you! bylaurastrong@gmail.com

Peace, Love & Tea,

P.S. New posts will be available every Monday!

Also follow me on Instagram! bylaurastrong.

Monday, 22 July 2013

What's On My iPhone?

I think the best way to get inside someone’s head is to see what applications are on their phone. The content of your phone says a lot about you! These are the apps you choose to have on hand, at any given moment, on any given day.

Just by the way: I have a white iPhone 4S with the newest iPhone software.

Okay now on to the fun stuff! J

My Favourites!

1. Instagram
                  -Instagram is a photo sharing application. Not only can you post pictures, you can “like” other people’s pictures and comment on them. It is similar to twitter in that you can follow users and that you have your own personal feed. My instagram username in bylaurastrong follow me! J (Free)

2. Stumbleupon
                  -Stumbleupon’s application is just like their site; where you can subscribe to categories to personalize your feed. Meaning, when you “stumble” a site that falls into one of your subscribed categories will appear! It’s an amazing way to discover new and cool sites and people from all around the world! Stumbleupon is my go to app on long car trips or if I just want to kill some boredom! (Free)

3. All Women Stalk
                  -This app is amazing! Although it’s not appropriately named - the app has nothing to do with stalking people! ;) The app is a series of lists on topics all across the board – from love to finance to shoes! Don’t knock this app until you try it! I promise you it’s addicting! (Free)

4. Happier
                  -Happier does exactly that – it makes you happier! I found this app about a month ago and immediately fell in love with it! It forces you to write down 3 good things that happen each day. It’s a great way to make you more appreciative of the world around you and the life you have! (Free)

5. Rockmelt
                  -Rockmelt is the best news app in the App Store! It has amazing features – you can not only ‘like’ and article you can ‘hmm’ it, ‘wtf’’ it, ‘aww’ it and more! Not only that its news from current world events to YouTube videos to popular new blog postings! I have no doubt you’ll love it! (Free)

My Most Used!

1. Corkulous
                  -During the school year this is my go to app to organize my entire school life! This app works just like a real life corkboard; with sticky notes, index cards, tape labels and more! It’s amazing the information you can store! (Free)

2. Sunrise
                  -I found Sunrise through a post on AllWomenStalk. Ever since I downloaded it, I’ve loved the clean cut and very attractive way this calendar application functions! (Free)

3. Reminders
                  -I’m a forgetful person… ‘Nough said. (Pre-Installed)

4. Notes
                  -I add every thought I want to save to my notes! From blog post ideas to photography ideas to inspirational things I see everyday – it’s my go to place when I need a new idea! (Pre-Installed)

5. Camera
                  -I’m an Instagram lover so whenever there’s an opportunity for a picture to be taken I’m there! (Pre-Installed)

Now For Everything Else!

(PS {} Represent the start and end to a folder.)

My bottom 4 apps: Messages, Mail, Safari and Music.

Page 1:
{Utilities: Flashlight, My Alarm Clock}
Solar – Weather app
{Business: iTunes, App Store, Ringtones, Sleep Machine, Calendar, Clock, Videos, Weather, Shop Savvy, Voice Memos, Stocks, Compass}
{Music: Shazam, Songza}
{Daily: Notes, Reminders, Sunrise, My Fitness Pal, Blog Lovin’, Instagram, Happier, All Women Stalk, Photos}
{Social: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Gmail, Viber, Skype}
{Lifestyle: Tumblr, Stumbleupon, Everest, Packing, Dream Days, Fetch Notes, Clear, Wunderlist, Etsy, YouTube}
{News: Feedly, Rockmelt, Flipboard, Travelog, MoMA, Globe News, Now}
{Games: Game Center, Temple Run 2, Whale Trail, Boxes, Flow Free, Flow Cheats, Tiny Tower, Number Puzzle, Flight Control, Jewel Mania, DDRush, Block x3}
Page 2:
{Business: Scotiabank, Passbook, Red Light, Find iPhone, Security Cabinet, iBooks, Kobo, Likes, Evernote, Tim Hortons}
{Picture: PibLab, Pic Stitch, Cat Effects, Overgram, Instaframe, Bezel, Over}
{Health: Smooties, Checkout 51, foodgawker, Nike Training, Life Kraze, Lorna Jane, Yogify}
{School: SayHi, iTunes U, Historypin, History Maps, French, Corkulous, iStudiez Pro, Pocket}
{Writing: Free Writing, Office Mobile, A Novel Idea, Werdsmith, Wattpad, MyWriting, Poetreat, Pockey Poetry}

What are your favourite apps?! Let my know! J

Peace, Love & Tea,

P.S. New posts will be available every Monday!

Follow Me On Instagram: bylaurastrong